Sai Ram Naragoni


Sai Ram Naragoni

Software Engineer, Global Technology

上大学时,赛拉姆·纳拉贡尼(Sai Ram Naragoni)知道澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)是一家银行,但仅此而已. Then again, how much did he need to know? 他正在学习成为一名软件工程师,以及银行到底能拥有多少技术? He wanted a career building apps—which, he thought, meant getting a job with a company writing code, not with a bank that was just using it.

But during his third year of college, 当时他正在寻找一份暑期实习工作,澳博官方网站app来到了他的校园. When he was offered a technology internship, he took it.

直到开始实习后,他才意识到这家公司有多大, and how many technology opportunities were available. It turns out, banks use a lot of technology. 澳博官方网站app公司从头开始开发了很多软件, 使它成为赛拉姆找到他梦寐以求的职业的理想之地.

  • Work location: Columbus, Ohio
  • Major: Computer Engineering and Computer Science
  • University: National Institute of Technology, Surat
  • Favorite breakfast food: Idli (South Indian dish) made by my mom
  • Top travel destination: 任何需要徒步旅行的地方——都会给我一种成就感
  • Languages spoken: Telugu, Hindi and English
  • Favorite ice cream flavor: Blueberry 
  • Favorite coffee beverage: Not a coffee lover, but I love mango juice
  • Favorite book: Technical topics or materials
  • Favorite hobby: Archery and basketball
  • Job in a nutshell: 我在全球客户平台团队担任软件工程师. 我致力于开发云原生微服务,同时为开发人员在分布式环境中面临的挑战性问题设计解决方案.
Collage of Sai Ram Naragoni

Collage of Sai Ram Naragoni

What convinced you to choose JPMorgan Chase?
My internship experience was really good. 在大学里,我对自己的余生到底想做什么感到有点困惑. When I joined JPMorgan Chase as an intern, 我意识到,无论我想选择什么技术——无论是Java, software development, 我可能有机会在这家公司做这件事. 软件开发人员能想到的所有技术都在这里.

I'm a software engineer, working in customer information. Basically, we make sure when you log into your accounts, that you get the information that applies to you. Whether you're an investor or a business with us, you'll see information that is relevant and helpful to you.

I joined through the Software Engineer Program (SEP), which gave me a lot of access to the bank's leaders. During my internship, we had a session with our CEO Jamie Dimon, and I was able to ask him a question directly. I realized that leaders here think in a different way. 看看他们的回答很有趣,因为他们的回答和我的不一样. 他们从不同的角度看待问题,并以更广泛的视角回答问题. 这是我的第一印象:这是一个领导能力很强的地方.

在公司的4年里,我有过4位不同的经理,我从他们每个人身上学到了不同的方面, be it related to work or as a person in general. 我很感激在过去的几年里我成长为一个人.

我最近搬到了美国,和我的新团队一起工作真的很有趣. 我们有白板会议,在那里我们集思广益,讨论架构设计. 我们一起出去探索当地的美食,我相信这有助于团队在工作之外建立联系,更好地了解彼此.

与我们的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙会面绝对是最好的时刻之一,因为这是我加入时发生的第一件事. But in 2021, I won the AWS Deepracer World Championship. 这是一场面向世界各地开发人员的机器学习竞赛,你可以在这里训练和比赛无人驾驶汽车. Over 70,000 developers around the world and 3,200 JPMorgan Chase developers competed in the competition. 就在我赢得世界冠军的消息传出后, 我接到了印度领导团队打来的几个祝贺电话. 所有这些都让你觉得自己得到了应得的认可, you're in the right place, and you've made the right choice.

我们的软件工程师课程是独一无二的,它能让你从大学生活顺利过渡到公司生活. It gives you a platform where you can showcase your talents. 另一件让人惊讶的事情是我们的文化和工作类型. When we say a bank, people usually associate it with the branches, but here at JPMorgan Chase, 我们正试图用技术重新定义银行业务体验. 我们公司拥有一个工程师成长所需要的一切.

I would tell him to do a bit more research. 我不知道澳博官方网站app是什么,我在面试时对这家公司的业务和这里的工作都不了解. After joining as an intern, it changed my perspective. 这是一个很好的惊喜,迫使我留在公司. 所以不要因为你没有做足够的研究而失去一个好机会.

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