

2020年10月,澳博官方网站app 宣布 the $30 Billion 种族权益 Commitment to help close the racial wealth gap among Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔社区.  公司正在整合业务, 慈善事业, policy and data expertise to help close the racial wealth gap and drive inclusive growth.

五年承诺包括贷款, 股权和直接资助,以帮助增加可持续的住房所有权, 扩大经济适用房, 发展小型企业, 支持不同的供应商, improve financial health and access to banking and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

The firm is building the infrastructure and foundation to make progress on its 种族权益 Commitment. 还有更多的工作要做, 这份情况介绍包括三个部分:最新进展情况, an overview of the firm’s governance and reporting process and its community and stakeholder engagement approach.

前进, 该公司计划每年在其《澳博体育app》杂志上公布其进展, 社会与治理(ESG)报告将于2022年5月开始.


澳博官方网站app has deployed or committed more than $13 billion of its $30 billion goal to help close the racial wealth gap.  This is largely driven by homeownership refinance and affordable rental housing preservation, which were existing products and processes where the firm took immediate action to do more.  虽然还有更多的工作要做,但以下是承诺的最新情况.

  • 抵押贷款再融资考虑到历史上的低利率环境, the firm quickly helped homeowners save money on their monthly mortgage payments by refinancing 16,20人中有000人,新增贷款目标, 到目前为止是40亿美元.1
  • 住房: 雇用了130多名社区住房贷款顾问,扩大了 购房者资助计划 to $5,000 in 6,700 minority neighborhoods nationwide and enhanced mortgage products to create better access to credit through pricing improvements and credit expansion.
  • 经济适用公屋:提供了60多亿美元的贷款,帮助保存了60多家银行,在美国各地,约有1万套经济适用房和租赁住房.S. Also approved lending of $1 billion for the new construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households.
  • 发展小企业: Hired more than 20 diverse senior business consultants to provide free one-on-one coaching for business owners in 13 U.S. 到目前为止,他已经指导了900多名小企业主.
  • 财务状况: Helped customers open more than 200,000 low cost checking accounts with no overdraft fees. Opened nine Community Center branches and hired 72 Community Managers in underserved communities to build and nurture relationships with community leaders, 非营利合作伙伴和小企业.
  • Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): Invested more than $100 million of equity in 14 diverse-owned or -led MDIs and CDFIs that serve more than 87 communities in 18 states and the District of Columbia.
  • 劳动力: Grew partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities from 3 to 17 to deepen the firm’s recruiting partnerships, 拓展课程发展, 奖学金和导师计划. 该公司承诺到2024年将雇佣4000名黑人学生. 它已经雇佣了超过3名员工,800名黑人学生作为实习生, fellows and entry-level analysts and is on track to surpass the original goal.
  • 慈善事业: 5年承诺1.28亿美元, 20亿美元的慈善目标, 其中包括补助金, 低成本贷款和直接股权. The firm is on pace to allocate its full year target of more than $400 million by the end of the year.
  •  额外的活动: The 种族权益 Commitment has been a catalyst for evolving how the firm does business and has inspired other activities and investments that go above and beyond the $30 billion. 一些例子包括创建一个Empower货币市场份额类, 共同投资了2亿美元的“黑色计划”, elevating DEI standards as part of its supply chain assessment and investing in the Appraiser Diversity Initiative. 访问 了解更多.
  • 报告和治理: Established a robust reporting and governance process for consistent tracking of the $30 billion Commitment, 是由社区影响组织运营的吗. The Public Responsibility Committee (PRC) of the 澳博官方网站app Board of Directors provides oversight of this work and is briefed bimonthly on the firm’s progress.



以聘用社区管理人员为基础, 社区住房贷款顾问和小企业顾问, 产品的创造和改进, 在更多的社区扩大新的分支机构和其他努力, 该公司计划采取以下步骤.

  • 住房: Continue prudently expanding FHA lending and supporting policy reforms to the FHA program, 包括服务标准.
  • 经济适用公屋: Explore innovative financing solutions and work with new public resources to support the development of vital community facilities and new housing for individuals and families earning a wider range of incomes than conventional projects serve.
  • 小型企业: Further expand access to credit through targeted adjustments to how the firm evaluates credit applications, 它还将推出新的产品.
  •  财务状况: 继续开设更多分支机构, 包括社区中心在中低收入社区的分支机构, 雇用更多的社区经理并举办更多的财务健康研讨会.
  • 员工: Continue to build a more equitable and representative workforce and hold executives accountable.
  •  社区参与: Host more local convenings with executives who play a direct role in the development of products, 服务, 政策解决方案和社区投资.
  •  多元文化事务: 寻找机会扩大获取语言资源的渠道, 服务 and support in accordance with the latest guidelines from industry regulators.

To learn more about how 澳博官方网站app is helping advance racial equity, visit


1 Based on most recent data collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Note that while HMDA data collected before or during calendar year 2020 is final, 2021年的数据可能会进行修订, as HMDA permits correction of any good faith errors identified prior to the annual filing on March 1, 2022.



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